Previous Notes for Download: Advent Series 2022

The O Antiphons - "Who Is Jesus?" Advent 2022

In this talk, Rev Nathan reflects on the Old Testament background of who Jesus is proclaimed to be by Christians. Using the "Great O Antiphons" that count down from the 17th to 23rd of Christmas.

The Names of Jesus - "Who Is Jesus?" Advent 2022

In this talk, Rev Nathan delves into the prophet Isaiah's names that he attributed to

the future Messiah and that Christians have identified with Jesus.

Icons: How We See Christ - "Who Is Jesus?" Advent 2022

In this talk, Rev Natalie introduces us to iconography (sacred picture-prayers)

and discusses how icons of Christ can help us reflect on who Jesus is.

Want more information?

We also have a small parish library of classic and inspiring works on Christianity at the back of church.

Books are reviewed in our magazine (available every 2 months in church).

Our clergy are always happy to discuss faith and signpost or help you to grow in yours in any way they can.

Our details are under "Our People" in "About Us"

Contact us via the "Contact Us" information or through Facebook Messenger.

At St Giles, we provide courses and events to help people find out about the Christian faith, or develop their own.


We are part of the Church of England in the Diocese of Liverpool.

Here is the booklet for our Friday Prayers - you can follow along on Facebook live.

Please click the link to download the pdf booklet here.

Here are details of our current events and series.

We hold 3 series a year (but are hoping to add more!)

One in Advent, one in Lent, and one in summer.

01/ 03/ 2023: Rev Nathan Introduces the Psalms - their origins, their place in faith & worship,                            and how they have inspired people.  Download a pdf of the talk by clicking here.

St Giles, Aintree

in the Anglican Diocese of Liverpool

Download the pdf by clicking here!

Our current series details below:

Details of studies over the year:

17/ 03/ 2023: Rev Nathan looks at the psalms of lament - reminding us that there is scriptural support for us when times are hard. Download a pdf of the talk here.

Study Series on the Gospel of Luke - Lent 2024

8/ 03/ 2023: Roddy Smith (OSB) looks at the Psalms and their use in public and private worship. Click to download a pdf of the talk here.