St Giles, Aintree

in the Anglican Diocese of Liverpool

Are children welcome?

Yes! Children are welcome at all of our services. Rev Nathan's daughter often joins worship from the front and often likes to contribute! Some of our other young people help by ringing the bells or being altar servers.

There is a lovely kid's corner at the back which is stocked with toys, books, comic book bibles and their own mini altar. 

We also have some "worship toolkits" in satchel bags that can be used in your pews for toddler and primary aged children. Our Deanery & Family Resource Officer keeps these topped up every few months.

Our advice is: 

Relax! God put the wiggle in children. They will make more noise the more they are contained. Our clergy can always turn the microphones up!

Please don't let children come up to the altar unaccompanied (the steps are trip hazards!).

Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses. Children learn the prayers and services by copying you.

If you have to leave the service with your child, feel free to do so but do not feel embarrassed and please come back.

The entrance porch of church has glass doors and speakers to see through and keep hearing the service and the lady chapel & godly play rooms are quiet spaces if you need them.

As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” We try to make everyone welcome in this house of worship.

To our congregation:

The presence of children is a gift to the church!  They are members of our community, and a reminder that our parish is growing. Please welcome our children and give a smile of encouragement to the parents.

What about babies?

Glad you asked! Also very welcome.

In 2021, St Giles' became the first officially recognised breastfeeding friendly church in Sefton.

There is a comfortable arm chair and a changing bag with some useful items for use, if you wish.

If you would like some water while feeding or a bottle warming up, please catch the eye or ask a churchwarden or the person on welcome who sit at the back.

There is also a baby changing unit in the toilet in church.

What if I don't know anyone?

Don't worry about it. The biggest step you have taken is across the door!

Please sit anywhere. If you would like to sit with someone, just ask the person giving you a hymn book to point out someone to sit with until you get to know more people.

If you have any questions about our worship, please feel free to contact or speak to the Vicar.

If you are attending our 10:30 am Sunday service, then please do stay afterwards for refreshments and a chance to meet other members of the congregation.

Is there a dress code?

There is no dress code at St Giles. Just come in what you feel comfortable wearing.

Is the church accessible?

Yes, it is.

The main entrance, main church, lady chapel, godly play room, kitchen and toilet are all on ground level.

If anyone with physical difficulties would like to receive communion, the clergy are very happy to give them communion or a blessing where they are sat.  They are very welcome to the altar, but will require assistance up and down the shallow steps.

A wheelchair is available for use (in the St Peter's Chapel). Please ask the person giving the hymn books, churchwarden or one of the ministers.

The spacious toilet is also fitted with hand-rails; but is not up to Changing Places​ specifications.

Is there a hearing loop?

Yes! If necessary, please turn it to "T". 

The loop system is active whenever the sound system and microphones are on.

If necessary, please move nearer to the front or ask the clergy or churchwardens to increase the volume during a hymn or piece of music.

This is much less disruptive and fulfils the request of Jesus "let those who have ears to hear, let them hear!".

Can I get large print worship items?

Yes - there are large print newsletters and hymn books available.

We are updating our service sheets over 2023 and hope to provide large print editions as part of this.

Where possible, our minimum font size is 14.

​Will I be asked to do anything as part of the service?

No - apart from stand up, sit down, sing and join in with the responses with everyone else (or as much as you are able).

People from the congregation do play an active role in our services by reading, leading prayers, acting as deacon, or serving the wine at communion, you will never be asked to anything you are not comfortable with.

If you want to after you have settled in please ask the clergy to get involved. Or just say "no" if we ask you and you don't want to!

​What is the Eucharist?

Holy Communion (also known as the Eucharist, the Mass, or the Lord’s Supper) takes many different forms across the Church of England. It is also understood by Christians in different ways.

Holy Communion is a shared meal of bread and wine, recalling that at the Last Supper, Jesus broke bread and wine with his own death and gave them special meaning.

Each time we share the meal Jesus shared with his friends, we remember his death on the cross, rejoice in his resurrection from the dead, and look forward to the coming of God’s Kingdom.

Can I take communion?

Any baptised person over 10 years old is welcome to receive the bread and wine of communion in St Giles (under 16 with parental consent).

Those who have been baptised but would like to receive communion before 12 should talk to the Vicar about being confirmed or admitted to communion.

Gluten-free wafers are available at all of our services. Please let the clergy know at the altar rail if you require this.

At St Giles' all of our wafers have a drop of wine on the bread. These are prepared and sealed 48 hours before the service. This means that you will receive both bread and wine but do not have to drink from the common chalice if you would prefer not to.

If you don't want the wine, or would be at risk from this, just receive the bread & wine wafer and then follow everyone else back to your seat.

Do I have to take communion?

Not if you would feel uncomfortable. Please consider coming up to the altar anyway so that one of the clergy can pray a prayer of blessing with you for the coming week.

Do I have to come every week?

You will be welcome whenever you join us, be it once a month, every so often or several times a week.

We have a variety of services and community events to help you build your faith and socialise.

​The letter to the Hebrews says "let us not forget the habit of meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another"..

Whether a regular or every so often attender, it's good to worship together and catch up with each other.
