Your parish church and clergy are here for spiritual well-being of Aintree.
Please see details of ways that we can help below.
St Giles is part of the Church of England, the state church, and seeks to have a Christian presence in every community that is dedicated to showing the love of God in practical ways, and teaching and sharing our faith.
You can find more information about the Church of England and our Diocese of Liverpool by clicking on their names for the links.
We are also fortunate to share good relationships with our fellow Aintree churches at Holy Rosary (Roman Catholic Church), Hope Community Church (Baptist) and Old Roan Methodist Church (Methodist).
We collaborate on mutual projects and worship together at several points in the year.
We also join together at times of national significance to celebrate together or support our community in times of sadness.
Below is the video of our Commemoration Service for the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 2022.
Prayer ministry
Nothing is ever not worth a prayer! Millions of people of every age pray every day.
We believe that God hears every prayer—but not all prayers are answered in the way we might expect or desire: we don't always pray for his will to be done! Personal prayer is also a discipline - it can be difficult at times, just like keeping fit, being on a diet, or keeping weeds down in the garden. Little and often is best, but don't give up! No prayer, however inadequate you may feel it to be, is ever wasted or of no value.
In St Giles, we pray weekly on Sunday for those who are sick, those who have recently died, those whose year's mind falls that week and for the streets in our parish. If you want a name included, drop us an email or pop into church and write their name on the "intercessions board" - to your left as you enter church, by the St Peter's chapel (the one with the bells!).
Church access for private prayer
If you need to find some space and time for stillness, thought and prayer, then St Giles would be pleased to see you!
The church is not open outside of service times, due to our lone-working policy and insurance, but the clergy are very happy to open church for you to pray and have a chat if you wish. Please get in touch to make an appointment.
Churches often feel peaceful, usually because a lot of prayers have been said in that place!
St Giles has a bright and friendly interior with a sense of reverence.
We also have to smaller chapels (the Lady Chapel and St Peter's Chapel).
In the summer, our community garden benches and garden of rest are peaceful spaces for reflection and prayer.
The clergy will say say friendly hello if they are passing, but will otherwise leave you be unless asked for prayer.
Parish Visiting
Our clergy visit members of the congregation and those who are in hospital.
We do this to check they are okay and have someone to talk to. We help or signpost to any local help they need if we can. We also pray with them and talk about our faith together.
We are also happy to visit and talk about matters of faith with anyone in the parish after church or over a coffee at another mutual agreed time.
Just get in touch and arrange a time!
If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please get in touch with Rev Nathan.
We will provide volunteer description and a DBS check.
Home Communions
For those who would like to receive communion but cannot get to church, we can bring it to you!
Often people like this near Christmas or Easter, but it can be more frequently if wished - about once a month.
Often this is done by one of the clergy or a pastoral visitor.
If you would like to help with this ministry, please get in touch with Rev Nathan. We can provide training and a DBS check.
Hospital Visits
Exactly the same as house visiting, except in hospital.
We will always take communion with us to offer.
We are guided by the patient as to how long or short the visit is depending on how tired or how much pain they are in.
We work alongside the hospital chaplains, who can provide extra support and a friendly face between parish clergy visits.
Contact us on the details on the "contact us" page. Please let us know if someone is in hospital, would like a visit, and what ward they are on!
The chaplaincy contacts are listed here for the following hospitals:
Aintree University (Fazakerley) Hospital: 0151 529 3195
Alder Hey Children's Hospital: Weekdays (non-urgent) 0151 252 5465 or ask staff to page switchboard for a chaplain.
Liverpool Women's Hospital: or 0151 708 9988 (ask for duty chaplain)
Southport Hospital: Reverends Martin Abrams and Jan Fraser (Anglican): 01704 704639
Broadgreen Hospital: Reverend George Perera (Anglican/Free Church): 0151 282 6235
House Blessings
A house blessing is an ancient tradition that some people like to have when they move into a new house, or in a house where someone has passed away. They are usually done by a minister with holy water as they walk through every room of the house, accompanied by the people of the house.
Often, this sentence from the gospel of Luke is read at the beginning, which sums up the purpose of a house blessing: "When you enter a house, first say, `Peace to this house. ' If a person of peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you" (Luke 10:5).
"Last rites" or ministry at the time of death
It can bring some comfort to those who are dying and their families to have prayers, anointing with oil (remembering our baptism) and holy communion at the time of the passing of a loved one.
Ministers at St Giles are willing to do this; and will get there as soon as possible once contacted or make arrangements with fellow ministers and hospital chaplains to do this (if we are on holiday or away).
Where possible, with our own folk, it is a privilege to commend them into God's nearer presence and pray for them on that next journey.
If necessary, baptism can also be done at this time. If time is short, ask for a hospital chaplain or ward manager.
Confession & Absolution
In the Church of England, this is called the "sacrament of reconciliation". It is usually asked for when people are struggling to feel forgiveness about something they have done that they feel has harmed their relationship with God or their neighbours.
It can also be done when someone wants a fresh start in living as a Christian.
The Book of Common Prayer puts it nicely: "if there be any of you, who by self-examination, confession and repentance cannot quiet their own conscience, but require further comfort or counsel, let them come to some discreet and learned Minister of God’s Word, and open their grief, so that by the ministry of God’s holy Word they may receive the benefit of absolution, together with spiritual counsel and advice, for the quieting of their conscience, and avoiding of all scruple and doubtfulness."
Please note: The priest will not disclose anything said to them in confidence; but may withhold absolution until the penitent has informing the police or social services in cases of abuse.
Confessions in St Giles must be made by appointment with the Vicar.
Thinking about ministry?
Being a Vicar is not the only type of ministry out there!
Please talk to Rev Nathan about going on a Directions course (run by Liverpool Diocese) which may help you discern a calling to ministry. This can be anything from becoming an excellent Bible reader, to helping with services, becoming a lay preacher, food-bank lead, community support worker, or paid or unpaid, full or part-time ministers.
Both Rev's Nathan and Poppy Thorpe are involved on the course and work as ADDO's (preparing and praying with potential ministers for their national and local selection panels). We can give you a steer towards the Vocations team in the Diocese of Liverpool and write a recommendation letter after meeting you to see if it would be appropriate. If you are thinking of ordained ministry, it would be a good start to begin coming to church!
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